Beanie, Choker, Robe-
Hey y’all!
This look is VERY inspired by Underneath It All by No Doubt. I’m not trying to jump on the Gwen Stefani band wagon all of a sudden, I’ve LOVED No Doubt since I was little! I remember in elementary school I brought one of the album covers to school so that I could look at the pictures inside all day, and then I somehow lost it and my mom was really upset because it belonged to her. I finally got my first CD in 5th grade and it was Love, Music, Angel, Baby! I seriously probably listened to that CD for MONTHS NON-STOP. And I loved all the hip-hop, Asian, super cutesy style that was a part of the record!!! UGH it was perfect, just had to turn on Cool right now to reminisce on some childhood memories.
So for this outfit I really used the movements from Underneath It All, there was a lot of flowy limbs and just slow dreamy movement. I used the inside of my empty pool to make for the dreamy soft background, the natural wear and water stains really created a pretty effect! As for the style, it’s my own! But more colorful like Gwen! I think the beanie really it gave the outfit her kick, although I wish I had thought to out a bindi on… it would have been PERFECT!!! At least I can still be PURRFECT thanks to my new leggings I got from Lovelysally! Look at these laser kitties!
Anyway, I hope you guys all enjoyed this post!