Had AP statistics and AP government finals today. Super tiring. Tomorrow will be AP English on Brave New World and then AVID. Friday will be super simple, TA for beginning drama and performance drama which I already got the final done for by performing Ariel in the Tempest 😀
Anyways, I was prowling on Tumblr at 3AM during summer and was inspired to make this skull cut out shirt, I think it turned out really clean and precise! Cause I just have to say… probably 95% of these that I see people make are sloppy and look like shit.
And if my back looks like it is super airbrushed, it is. I have crazy ass b(acne), yeah it’s pretty sick! But THANK GOD FOR TECHNOLOGY TO CREATE THE ILLUSION OF PERFECTION.
The Mickey shorts made a comeback!
And by the way you guys! I decided that once I hit 2000 fans on Lookbook I will have my giveaway 😀

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