Cross Necklace-
Shag Coat-
Mesh Undershirt-
Plaid Two Piece-
Ombre Tights-
Metallic Boots-
Hey everyone!!!!
I have to say I am pretty satisfied with how this outfit came out! I’m not sure what ‘style’ it is, but I would say it definitely has a party vibe. There’s just something that screams FUN about outfits that feature big shag coats. I am so happy that they’re becoming popular again! I’ve been wanting to find some in candy colors, or a lime green would be perfect. I’m also pretty stoked on these new kicks T.U.K. sponsored me. They’re silver with black speckles throughout the coloring making them less high shine and a much more subtle eye catching metallic.
I’m disappointed that I haven’t posted on here for awhile since these photos have been ready since last week. But, honestly I’ve been REALLY wanting to write about interesting topics that you all can read about on here. Thought provoking discussions. Just stuff on my mind that I would like to share with the rest of you. But, every time I sit down to write I feel so much anxiety and stress. I have a hard time opening up to people in general and the fear of saying something stupid, especially on the internet, terrifies me quite a bit. Not to mention my writing skills are not the best either. Practice makes perfect though, so I figure if I don’t start speaking my voice now I’ll never be able to shape it to be as strong as I hope for it to be one day.
I really love you all!
Any nice comments from any of you are guaranteed to always make my day and cheer me up♥ So thank you for the years of support 🙂