Headband- Romwe.com
Pink Coat- Romwe.com
Blue Polka Dot Dress- Romwe.com
Socks- Forever21
Oxfords- Forever21
Bag- Forever21
Hey everyone,
It’s hard growing up, getting older and realizing how absolutely shitty people can really be towards each other.
Just a few days ago I was hanging out with one of my girlfriends and we were just chattin’ and painting our nails when she told me about this really mean comment someone made to her while she was younger. She told me that in 4th grade she had a crush on this boy and she asked him to be her boyfriend and he replied with, “I don’t date fat girls.”. Ever since that comment was made to her she’s been self conscious about her weight. Then later that day I wen to go hang out with one of my guy friends and he ended up sharing a similar story to me. What happened to him was during middle school he said hi to this girl and she said back, “Do I even know you? I don’t talk to fat boys.” He really held on to that comment, especially since he was already self conscious about his weight, and it later led to him becoming anorexic.
It just really proved to me how significant the cruel comments we make towards people can effect someone’s life. It’s also so crazy how we can hold on to all these negative comments for so long and let them tear us apart. Body image also is already such a sensitive subject in today’s society, a few rude remarks can easily lead to someone slipping into a negative view on themselves and cause diseases like anorexia, bulimia, ect. I really just wish that everyone should really learn to be more gentle with their words. Don’t ever make fun of something that someone could potentially already be super self conscious about because what you say could really destroy them, for years even!
If you have made fun of a person for something like this, I would say that it’s never too late for an apology! Amends can always be made and save someone a lot of self destruction and sadness!
Anyway, that’s my little rant! I hope you guys like my outfit, I think it’s really something super cute, fun, ‘vintage’, and girly that I don’t usually do 🙂
OH YEAH!!! And the winners of my Romwe giveaway are…
Kayn K. & Â Navin P.!
The Motel Rocks giveaway winner is…
Lauren P.!
Y’all should receive e-mails very soon (: