Jacket- Motel Rocks
Blouse+Pants- Romwe.com
Shoes- Envishoes.com

Hey guys!
Sorry I haven’t been posting often, I’ve been busy traveling and I’m headed to Warped Tour in Ventura this weekend so it’s a busy week for me! Are any of you going to Warped, or did you already go in San Diego?? I am really excited to see Chiodos perform, they are no doubt one of my all time favorite bands. Anyway! I wore this outfit on a trip I took to Santa Maria with my best friend. I can’t say Santa Maria is really anything interesting at all, but it’s ok, and the weather is better than where I live! I really just wanted to create an all white-ish outfit. I felt like the pop of pink was a great idea! And I kept the outfit beach suiting with my Sherman JCs with the wooden platform, and tropical floral pants. I hope you guys like this non traditional beachy outfit I came up with!♥
Here are some Instagram photos of my other outfits & what not during my weekend in Santa Maria.
If you’re not already following me on Instagram, search @kendallthings



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