

Hello Friends,

Here is my Brand New outfit! (I’m so sorry, a pun was necessary.) I recently got this Brand New shirt and picked up these wide holed fish nets from Hot Topic. Band tees are a definite staple piece in any cool girl’s closet and I can’t seem to resist them. The fish nets I specifically purchased to wear underneath these new acid washed skinnies from Shop Tobi. I decided to pair them together after I saw Rhianna sporting the same look. She is one of my biggest style icons after all! The choker is a piece I purchased from Shop Nin3 around Christmas time since I had been drooling over it for months. This choker strengthens the outfit that much more to me because of the text on my t-shirt, ‘The Devil and God are Raging Inside of me’. My imagination leads me to believe that the choker is almost like a huge lock keeping everything contained inside of myself.

What I am Wearing: Vegan Motorcycle Jacket- Divisible by None Choker- Brand New T-Shirt- Hot Topic Fish Net Tights- Hot Topic Holed Me Down Skinny Jeans- Jet Setter Platform Boots-


Well, I hope that you all loved the outfit! Have a great day ♥



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