Beret C/O-
Both Necklaces.
Gold Mesh Undershirt C/O-
Sweater C/O-
Hello Everyone!
It’s that Fall season! It’s beginning to get a little cooler, and there are prettier clouds nowadays. I find this season very romantic and fresh, it’s full of warm colors everywhere and it just makes me feel great. I put together what I consider to be a very cutesy outfit in honor of the romantic feelings Fall gives me! This outfit is very monochromatic in nude with gold accents to warm it up, red lipstick and macaroni color hair just gives this outfit the needed kick of ‘Hey, I’m not too girly!’. I feel a lil’ European too! ;~)
Have any of you fallen in love? Are any of you in love? Is this beautiful Fall weather making anyone ambitious for some love!?
I know I am in love with my boyfriend Nikko, he is really an amazing dude! We do everything together, we’re pretty much peas in a pod. We’re just a fun loving couple who are into Pokemon, cracking jokes, and having a blast as much as possible! On the 25th we will have been together 18 months, and we’re very happy to have made it this far and still find ourselves just as in love with each other. At the end of this year he is shipping off to the Navy and we’re not going to see each other very often for a good duration of time. We honestly both had our breakdowns of doubt, wondering if we could possibly bear going through a long distance relationship, as for myself I have already gone through a long distance relationship and it was TERRIBLE so I really had to contemplate putting myself in that position again. But once we both settled down and thought about the big picture and considered what kind of people we are, we knew we could do it. There is no reason to worry about the lost time now, when we both have the mindset of what we want in the future, we both have each other as a part of what we want in the future. These few sacrificial years are great, at this young age we all need these years to be selfish, to do what we NEED to do to grow up. Don’t let anyone hold you back guys, these are the much needed developing years that you should really be spending focusing on yourself and building your future and finding out who you are. For me and Nikko, we are sacrificing time from one another to allow ourselves to grow up and become actual people!!! Once we’ve reached that point and are both stable in what we’re doing, then we can move on to our next step in life together!
I actually find this all very exciting to experience! Of course I am very sad to see my best friend go, and worried about his safety. It’s going to be difficult not having the one person who is always there for me and loves talking to me unavailable. But in the end, this is going to be a great experience 🙂
Are any of you currently going through long distance relationships or about to as myself?? If so you should comment about your experience below, I would love to hear!
Below is a photo of Nikko and myself from our last date to Starbucks! And really old photos of us below that!