I was really excited to be able to wear my goodwill sweater vest today!!! And Mac Miller’s new cd Blue Slide Park came out today which I was pretty happy about, it’s great! 🙂
You can’t really tell but I am wearing these really awesome tights with glitter running all throughout them, and what’s even better is that they aren’t itchy 😀
The B I got from my mom, her name is Barbie so she tends to get a lot of Barbie things from people!
I plan to put this up on LookBook later tonight or in the morning, I’m hoping I get some good hype♥
Bow from my boyfriend
Oxfrords from Forever 21, still on sell on the internet!
Lunch box I earned with all my John’s Incredible Pizza tickets, 800 of them!!!
The lil white flower on there is from a girl named Sierra McDaniel who sells all sorts of little things like this! You can check her out at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lil-Bow-Chic/261477510554174
Well, I hope y’all really enjoy this look and have it inspire you in some way! If so let me know, and if you have any questions just let me know by commenting below (:
Also, just for funsies, what’s your alls favorite thing about the colder seasons??

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