Instructions of the game.
① register to GoodGoodsChina if you are not registered yet (http://www.goodgoodschina. com/customer/account/login/)
② tell your friends about this giveaway by posting this link on your blog, FB ,VKONTAKTEor twitter,ect.
③ You have to become a follower of my blog through Google FC (on the right in the blog) and through BLOGLOVIN (also put a“heart”(like) for this post) ( you wrote yourself according to your requirement)
④ leave a comment here.( you wrote yourself according to your requirement)
The winner will be chosen as usual with randomly on 2nd of APR!
Date: 9thMAR- 31th MARI wish good luck to all of you!!! Love you guys, and hope that you really enjoy this giveaway :))