I know Halloween was a couple weeks ago, but I never posted my look for it and thought you guys might really enjoy to see it still! I was really inspired by all of the day of the dead looks I saw on LookBook, especially these two: http://lookbook.nu/look/2615963-Halloween & http://lookbook.nu/look/2608299-DIY-HALLOWEEN-CONTEST-1ST-entry. I decided to pair this velvet dress I had gotten during the Christmas season at Forever21 last year(to my belief they are still available for around 15$, also in blue and green) with a corduroy blazer I had actually gotten at wal-mart a few years back from the Norma Kamali line. Then the hat I got from a wonderful thrift store downtown, I ripped up some fishnets and then put on these awesome wedges I found at Forever21 last weekend!!! They’re from Bamboo and they’re really tall, lace-up, and COMFORTABLE. I highly recommend them, they were about 35$. The flower pin has three functions(an alligator clip, ponytail, and pin) and was only 3$! You can find it here at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lil-Bow-Chic/261477510554174

The makeup took me about 15 minutes to do, I used Halloween makeup crayons, and some black goo makeup, and for the cheeks I used this high intensity pigment orange blush from Hot Topic that was about 8$. But you guys should probably check out Marla at http://marlaandmakeup.blogspot.com/ if you want makeup tip advice♥

I hope you all enjoy! And that this inspires you in some sort of way♥
Although my blog has only been up for a short period of time, has it inspired you guys in anyway??

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