Hey everyone and Happy New Year!
I hope that you all are starting off 2014 in great and amazing ways. For some of us 2013 was a rough year, but this year doesn’t have to be. Stay positive for the future and start by being positive now. I truly believe that we will attract other’s by the energy we give off. Attitude is everything and being a Negative Nancy will only push away focused positive individuals and awesome opportunities. So, let’s all start off this year with at least the attempts of a positive kick and stop saying that we ‘can’t’ do something, putting ourselves down and other’s down. I love all of you and only wish for you guys to all have a happy, healthy, and successful year!
This year I am going to dedicate myself to this blog and working on giving you guys more creative content♥ Oh, I’ve been brainstorming. I carry a little yellow moleskin notebook around with me writing notes all day on new things to do with Galore Beneath the Stars! I neglected this blog 2013 and missed out on too many opportunities and that’s something I can’t help but cringe about. But, here’s to a new year!
Hugs & Love,
1) You must follow this blog
2) ‘Like’ my fanpage https://www.facebook.com/GaloreBeneathTheStars
3) go to romwe.com, scroll down the homepage, choose one product out of the ‘Top 32’ weekly and leave a comment on it’s product page + share the product to your Facebook, Twitter, ect.
4) The product that you choose to comment on will be what you win
5) Leave a comment here on my blog linking the product you chose to comment on AND your e-mail address so that I can contact you
This giveaway will last until January 14th, there will be 2 winners!
Good luck♥