Shredded denim jacket-
Strappy crop top-
Corduroy skinny pants-
Velvet heels-

Hey everyone!
I’m so happy to say that I finally got a cute pair of heels! AND they are easy to walk in. I am very excited to own a pair of heels so that I can finally create outfits like this for y’all! Alternative streetstyle, but with a sense of classiness/maturity.
 About the outfit itself, I wanted to look sophisticated but also very youthful. I made the outfit versatile enough that I could wear it to go shopping or hangout downtown at a coffee shop, and if I happened to want to go to a concert, I could just slap on my ripped denim jacket for more of a casual edgy feel.
You know, it’s always nice to have a go to outfit that you can dress up or down with one simple clothing item/accessory, because heck! I’m assuming most of my readers are teenagers/young adults and we tend to be pretty spontaneous creatures so a versatile outfit is much needed. It’s also a very convenient way to dress if you are going out of town since sometimes you don’t always know what you will be doing or where you’ll be going. It sucks if your friends want to go to a fancy resturaunt but you are dressed like a hobo, haha!

Btw, I tried making a garter out of my spiked headband, but… I tied it too tight around my leg and didn’t realize until after the photos had been taken! So, that’s why my legs look all lumpy! Lol Oh well, lesson learned, now I know next time to tie it looser!

Well, I hope that you guys are all having a great day, and good luck on your midterms college students!♥

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