Hat, Jacket, Sunglasses, Shoes- Romwe.com
Tank- Sheinside.com
Knuckle Rings- stylelately.com
Hey everyone!
I’ve been really in love with wearing metallics lately! They’re just so fun, but also work as great exciting neutrals in an outfit.Today I stuck to silvers! I used to be a huge fan of gold(well, still am), but now that I have so much white in my hair I feel like it’s most complimented by wearing silver rather than gold or copper. Silver also looks great against black, and so I paired it with this new bad ass tank I received a few weeks ago! Also, I know I’m ALWAYS wearing them, but my spikey hat and Converse were just too perfect to pass up wearing with this outfit!!!
What do you guys think about wearing metallics for Spring?
I’m going to be going to an of Montreal concert on May10th in San Francisco, so if any of you are going to be there, let me know! The concert only costs about 20 bucks, and it should be pretty fun!
Have a good day & good luck on midterms college students!