Hey Everyone!
April was a busy and fun filled month. It has been the best month that I have experienced in what seems like over a year. The improvement of mood and outlook on life was most likey(definitely) due to the fact that I was keeping busy, surrounded by great friends(as opposed to seedy characters), making $$$, traveling, and taking steps closer to making possible the future that I envision for myself.
If you ever feel yourself getting bored, feeling unexceptional, or just not happy with the path in which your life is headed remember that: stagnation is the worst, movement is key throughout life! Never let yourself stop moving towards your goals, even if it means taking the smallest steps. Everything builds up. And when you stay committed to hard word, success, and keeping determined, results will come in whatever you’re doing!
Below I have collaged a few photos of April to share with you all what I have been up to (and wearing!!!). If you would like to follow me on Instagram you can do so HERE or @itskendallkay
I had a ton of fun in LA with all of these fine ladies Larissa, Isabel, Sideara, Shevah, and Kelsey♥ Felt like we all ate tons of good food, much thrifting, and taking photos. I also had a lot of fun getting to shoot for shopmiracleeye.com. I think that the new arrivals will be up sometime this month featuring all of the product shots I took!
The best gear from Miracle Eye!
Some cool detail shots I took during April. I found the lingerie top(upper right photo) at a thrift store with Larissa. Only cost me 2$ and it’s absolutely beautiful.
Various makeup looks. I keep to the cat eye (meow)
Finally, a few looks!
By the way, if any of you are located in LA and would like to work together(photography/something else??) or just meet up, let me know in a comment below or e-mail me directly 🙂
Hope you all enjoyed these photos from my instagram
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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