Hello Friends!
From start to finish, this is the photographic storiy of my trip to South Beach Miami. At 8 a.m I boarded my plane from L.A.X. I was so excited as soon as I found out that I got a window seat, because I cannot resist catching every sight to see from a bird’s eye view. Looking at beautiful clouds is one of the greatest pleasures that I experience in life. I love how whimsical, unique, and colorful they are! I landed at the Miami airport around 4 p.m. When I stepped outside of the airport I found myself immediately greeted with surprisingly humid air. It’s no joke what they say about Florida weather! It was a big change from California. By the end of my trip I realized that I actually really love humidity. I get cold way too easily, so the thick hot air was like a blanket of warmth! Since arriving in Miami, my mom and I caught a taxi and went on our way to The Standard Hotel & Spa to unpack for our stay. The Standard is an absolutely gorgeous hotel on an island in South Beach complete with it’s own spa, pool, outside baths, and has it’s very own rain forest on the property. I saw so many cute lizards chilling around! All of the photos I took below were taken at the hotel, just so you can get an idea of how amazing it was! That night I shared a dinner with the creators and creatives behind modellauncher.com who are amazing people. It was great to get to know the company one on one. I wholeheartedly agreed with their mission to create a safe environment for young girls taking their first steps into the world of modeling. After spending a few hours with the team chatting, my mom and I went to our room to recover from the long flight. In the morning I woke up and enjoyed a cigarette in this new world called the east coast that I had never experienced before. I couldn’t believe that I was somewhere so different thanks to Model Launcher’s interest in working with me ♥ I thought back to my year and all of the struggles and hard work that I had been pushing myself through and felt like it was finally all worth it. To be sitting on the other side of the country was the sweetest feeling of relaxation I have felt in years. Walking around the hotel I found myself in the swing room which had swings suspended from the ceiling. I swung around for awhile when my mom found me and then we walked along the bay for an hour. We found jellyfish and all sorts of tropical looking fish(parrot fish, jellyfish, sun fish, ect.). After that it was time for me to catch my ride from Jason to the Model Launcher studio. When I got into the studio my stylist Ammy Garcia had me try on all of the outfits she styled for me. Then Jude Andam did my makeup and hair which was so, so cool to me because I had never had any professional do me up before 🙂 Next we shot for an hour or two with in studio photographer, Joseph Cottrell. He was great to work with and gave me some modeling tips! Also, the designer of deepantiquity.com stopped by the studio since she heard that I was in her hometown and dropped me off a package ♥ SHE WAS SO SWEET and even invited me to a club later on. But, I had to leave early in the morning and I’m not 21 yet, lmao. After my shoot I said my farewell for nows and Ammy took me back to the hotel. It was pouring rain at this time. It was strange to feel so hot in the rain! I went to my room and my mom and I went to sleep early since we had to catch a flight back to L.A. at 5 a.m. We had a safe flight back to California in the morning, but the trip felt too short. I already missed being in Miami! I loved it so much, I wanted to experience even more. It’s definitely a city I will visit again 🙂 I had an amazing trip and can’t be more grateful that I got to go on this adventure ♥♥♥